Aravind Chenrayan Govindaraju

WEBSITE(S)| Raphael Lab

I work with Dr. Robert Raphael at the Bioengineering department to better understand how cells in our inner ear detect head movement and inform our sense of balance, gaze and orientation. My undergraduate degree is in Nanotechnology and I recently received my MSc in Applied Physics/Bioengineering here at Rice. I've had a lot of great opportunities while here: I received a travel award from the Applied Physics Program and travelled to a conference in Padua, Italy; I was the Vice President of Finance for the Graduate Student Association; Along with other students and staff at Fondren Library, I initiated requests for institutional, free, access to the citation manager "Zotero" - which we now have.

What projects are you currently working on?

Modeling signal transmission at the synapse between the vestibular type I hair cell and calyx.


What is something you are proud of accomplishing at Rice?

Initiating the request for Institutional access to Zotero.


What support have you received at Rice that was particularly valuable to you?

Travel Awards, Student Association Opportunities, Tutorials by Fondren


What was it about the Rice Applied Physics Program that initially appealed to you?

The flexibility to affiliate in different fields. I was able to further my interest in biology.


What is your favorite thing at Rice?

The sheer amount of resources - Recreation Center, Fondren library, GradGames, OISS, Campus Greenery


What is your favorite thing to do outside of Rice?



What is the best advice you have been given?

In a time crunch and when you're stressed, there isn't enough time to worry.


What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

I got C's in Solid State - Twice. It was a phase.


If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why? What would you talk about?

Ataturk - What it takes to drive a nation and envision it's future.


What is your favorite word?
