Elective Courses

Approved Electives (5 Required)

No courses may be used for both core and elective courses. Due to overlap of curricula, only one from each of the pairs PHYS 521/CHEM 530, and PHYS 526/CHEM 520/CHBE 540 may be used for the nine required courses. MSNE 506 will not be accepted as an approved elective. Note that all courses are not available for all academic years or semesters.

For any electives not on this list, students will need the approval of the Applied Physics Curriculum Committee. Send an email to sciapp@rice.edu with course number, title, instructor, description, and any restrictions, prerequisites, and co-requisites, noting that the request is for credit for an elective not on the approved list.

Elective Number(s) Elective Name
BIOC 524 Microbiology & Biotechnology
BIOC 551 Molecular Biophysics I
BIOC 589/BIOE 589 Computational Molecular Bioengineering/Biophysics
BIOE 502 Physical Biology
BIOE 508 Synthetic Biology
BIOE 512 Biophotonics Instrumentation and Applications
BIOE 517 Instrumentation and molecular analysis
BIOE 539 Applied Statistics for Bioengineering & Biotechnology
BIOE 548/ELEC 548 Neural Signal Processing
BIOE 552 Introductory Computational System Biology: Modeling & Design Principles of Biochem Networks
BIOE 561 Principles of Bioengineering
BIOE 574 Continuum Biomechanics
BIOE 580 Protein Engineering
BIOE 584 Lasers in Medicine and Bioengineering
BIOE 587 Optical Imaging and Nanobiophotonics
BIOE 589/BIOC 589 Computational Molecular Bioengineering/Biophysics
BIOE 592 Sensory Neuroengineering
BIOE 610/PHYS 610 Methods of Molecular Simulation
BIOE 684 Advanced Biophotonics
CAAM 519 Computational Science I
CAAM 520 Computational Science II
CAAM 536 Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations
CAAM 551 Numerical Linear Algebra
CAAM 567 Signal Recovery
CAAM 583 Intro to Random Processes & Applications
CAAM 615 Theoretical Neuroscience: From Cells to Learning Systems
CEVE 538/MSNE 538 Computational Nanoscience
CHBE 502 Heat and Mass Transport
CHBE 510 Fundamentals & Applications in Electrochemical Energy Conversion
CHBE 518 Electron Transport in Solids
CHBE 540 Statistical Physics
CHBE 548 Energy Systems & Sustainable Development
CHBE 560 Colloidal and Interfacial Phenomena
CHBE 571 Flow and Transport Through Porous Media I
CHBE 590 Kinetics, Catalysis and Reaction Engineering
CHBE 594/MSNE 594 Properties of Polymers
CHBE 597/CHEM 597/MSNE 597 Polymer Synthesis, Soft materials and Nanocomposites
CHBE 602 Physico-Chemical Hydrodynamics
CHBE 603 Rheology
CHBE 615 Applications of Molecular Simulations and Statistical Mechanics
CHBE 620 Tissue Engineering
CHBE 630 Chemical Engineering of Nanostructured Materials
CHBE 671 Flow and Transport Through Porous Media II
CHEM 511 Spectral Methods in Organic Chemistry
CHEM 515 Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics
CHEM 520 Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics
CHEM 530 Quantum Chemistry
CHEM 531 Advanced Quantum Chemistry
CHEM 533 Nanoscience & Nanotechnology I
CHEM 547 Supramolecular Chemistry
CHEM 550 Chemical Physics of Condensed and Biological Matter
CHEM 557 Nanocarbons
CHEM 558 Nanocrystals
CHEM 559 Spectroscopy at the Single Molecular/Particle Limit
CHEM 560 Advanced Optical Microscopy
CHEM 580/MSNE 580 Microscopy Methods
CHEM 592 Statistical Data Analysis
CHEM 595 Transition Metal Chemistry
CHEM 597/CHBE 597/MSNE 597 Polymer Synthesis, Soft materials and Nanocomposites
CHEM 630 Molecular Spectroscopy & Group Theory
CHEM 661/ELEC 661/MSNE 661 Nanophotonics, Spectroscopy, and Materials for Sustainability
COMP 502/ELEC 502 Neural Machine Learning I
COMP 540 Statistical Machine Learning
COMP 576/ELEC 576 A Practical Introduction to Deep Machine Learning
COMP 642 Machine Learning
ELEC 502/COMP 502 Neural Machine Learning I
ELEC 523 Introduction to Microfabrication
ELEC 531 Statistical Signal Processing
ELEC 546 Intro to Computer Vision
ELEC 548/BIOE 548 Neural Signal Processing
ELEC 549 Computational Photography
ELEC 560 Physics of Sensors
ELEC 562 Optoelectronic Devices
ELEC 563 Introduction to Solid State Physics I
ELEC 564/PHYS 564 Introduction to Solid State Physics II
ELEC 565 Materials for Energy & Photocatalysis
ELEC 566 Nanophotonics & Metamaterials
ELEC 567 Nano-Optics
ELEC 568 Intro to Quantum Computing with Qiskit
ELEC 569/PHYS 569 Ultrafast Optical Phenomena
ELEC 571 Imaging at the Nanoscale
ELEC 572 Multiphysics Modeling
ELEC 573 Network Science and Analytics
ELEC 574 Ubiquitous & Wearable Computing
ELEC 575 Learning from Sensor Data
ELEC 576/COMP 576 A Practical Introduction to Deep Machine Learning
ELEC 578 Introduction to Machine Learning
ELEC 581 Quantum Information Processing
ELEC 582 Imaging Optics
ELEC 585/BIOE 591 Fundamentals of Medical Imaging
ELEC 587 Intro to Neuroengineering
ELEC 588/CMORE 615/NEUR 615 Theoretical Neuroscience
ELEC 589 Neural Computation
ELEC 591 Electrical Engineering Research- Vertically Integrated Projects
ELEC 592 Topics in Quantum Optics (Nonlinear Optics)
ELEC 604 Nano-Optics
ELEC 605/PHYS 605 Computational Electrodynamics and Nanophotonics
ELEC 631 Advanced Machine Learning
ELEC 645/MSNE 645 Thin Films
ELEC 660 Quantum Information Science & Technology
ELEC 661/CHEM 661/MSNE 661 Nanophotonics, Spectroscopy, and Materials for Sustainability
ELEC 677 (special topics course; must request approval for each term)
ELEC 680 Nano-Neurotechnology
ELEC 691 Seminar Topics in Nanotechnology
MECH 520 Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis
MECH 679 Lunar Vehicle and Spacecraft Design
MECH 682 Convective Heat Transfer
MECH 683 Radiative Heat Transfer I
MECH 684 Microscopic Thermodynamics and Transport
MSNE 502 Mechanical Properties of Materials
MSNE 503 Thermodynamics & Transport Phenomena in Materials Science
MSNE 510 Scaling Concepts in 2D Materials and Polymer Physics
MSNE 512 Quantum Materials Engineering
MSNE 523 Properties, Synthesis, and Design of Composite Materials
MSNE 533 Computational Materials Modeling
MSNE 535/PHYS 535 Crystallography and Diffraction
MSNE 538/CEVE 538 Computational Nanoscience
MSNE 540 Thin Film and Device Physics
MSNE 555 Materials in Nature and Biometic Strategies
MSNE 580/CHEM 580 Microscopy Methods
MSNE 594/CHBE 594 Properties of Polymers
MSNE 597/CHBE 597/CHEM 597 Polymer Synthesis, Soft materials and Nanocomposites
MSNE 610 Crystal Thermodynamics
MSNE 614 Special Topics II
MSNE 615 Special Topics III
MSNE 623 Spectroscopy: Tools in Materials Science
MSNE 634 Thermodynamics of Alloys
MSNE 635 Transformation of Alloys
MSNE 645/ELEC 645 Thin Films
MSNE 650 Nanomaterials and Nanomechanics
MSNE 661/CHEM 661/ELEC 661 Nanophotonics, Spectroscopy, and Materials for Sustainability
MSNE 666 Conduction Phenomena in Solids
NEUR 582 Introduction to Computational Neuroscience
NEUR 615/CMOR 615/ELEC 588 Theoretical Neuroscience
PHYS 510 Magnetospheric Physics
PHYS 512 Ionospheric Physics
PHYS 513 Introduction to General Relativity
PHYS 515 Classical Mechanics
PHYS 516 Mathematical Methods
PHYS 517 Computational Methods
PHYS 519 Plasma Kinetic Theory
PHYS 521 Quantum Mechanics I
PHYS 526 Statistical Physics
PHYS 532 Classical Electrodynamics
PHYS 533 Nanostructures and Nanotechnology I
PHYS 534 Nanostructures and Nanotechnology II
PHYS 535/MSNE 535 Crystallography and Diffraction
PHYS 537 Methods of Experimental Physics I
PHYS 538 Methods of Experimental Physics II
PHYS 539 Characterization and Fabrication at the Nanoscale
PHYS 542 Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics
PHYS 549 Physics Data Science And Machine Learning Laboratory
PHYS 551 Biological Physics
PHYS 552 Topics in Biological Physics
PHYS 563 Introduction to Solid State Physics I
PHYS 564/ELEC 564 Introduction to Solid State Physics II
PHYS 566 Surface Physics
PHYS 567 Quantum Materials
PHYS 568 Quantum Phase Transition
PHYS 569/ELEC 569 Ultrafast Optical Phenomena
PHYS 571 Modern Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics
PHYS 572 Fundamentals of Quantum Optics
PHYS 580 Introduction to Plasma Physics
PHYS 600 (special topics course; must request approval for each term)
PHYS 605/ELEC 605 Computational Electrodynamics and Nanophotonics
PHYS 610/BIOE 610 Biological & Molecular Simulation
PHYS 663 Condensed Matter Theory: Applications
PHYS 664 Condensed Matter Theory: Many-Body Formalism
STAT 518 Probability
STAT 519 Statistical Inference
STAT 583 Introduction to Random Processes and Applications
STAT 622 Bayesian Data Analysis